You are currently browsing the monthly archive for Dezember 2007.

Okay, I am aware that we have a global overpopulation problem. While I know that theoratically, it normally does not bother me much in everyday live, since large amounts of those people live in China or India or whereever.

When Christmas approaches, however, all 6 something billion people living on this earth seem to be in one place: Christmas market in Münster. And those who are not happily sipping away on hot spiced wine end up in the same shops where I peacefully try to do my Christmas shopping. Did I mention that I pretty much hate people in general?

Apart from Christmas-induced overcrowding, have you been to a bookstore lately? I used to love bookstores; I could browse through them for hours.  But nowadays I find them utterly confusing. What happened to the good old system (in use for centuries in libraries all over the world) to put books on shelves in alphabetical order of the author’s name? When I try to find a book now, even though I know the title and author, I first have to figure out if it is a thriller, a science-fiction novel or might for some reason even be considered high literature, then find the table where books from that genre are displayed and look for the right pile. Sometimes I also have to consider if I am looking for a paperback or a hardcover, because they are kept in totally different sections of the store (different floors, even). That sucks big time!

Next year it will definitly be Amazon again for Christmas.

Do you know these cartoons where the protagonist is sitting on a limp of a tree, sawing it off at the wrong end? This is about what I just did to myself in my webspace. While using a visual ftp-client (gFTP), I changed the user rights for some of my files (since the files I copy from my windows partitions come with rather unusable defaults). Somehow I must have selected the directory itself instead of one of my files, succesfully removing my own reading, writing and execution rights. Hmpf! Now I cannot log back in, because I cannot read my own directory. That’s kind of dumb.

So,sorry folks, not much to see on my website at the moment.

Panta rhei said Heraklit, everything is flowing. I will move into a new house soon, so I cancelled my current DSL-provider contract which led to the neccessity to find new webspace, which prompted me to rebuild and redesign my website from scratch. The new webhosting contract comes with its own Blog-Software, so I decided to switch from myblog to this one to get rid of the advertisements.

I tried to import the old entries via rss, but it looks as if I am either too stupid to do it or it simply does not work. If you want to read the old stuff (which is mostly written in German), go tomy old blog here.

Dezember 2007
